Friday, September 5, 2014

10 Things About Me Challenge

I was tagged by Missie at to write 10 things about myself.  Here goes nothing.

  1. My athletic life started when I was 3 when I started playing soccer (my first love).
  2. My first reason for becoming fit was so I never have a reason for a coach to take me out of a soccer game. After college soccer I decided to take up running.  I am now training for my second marathon.
  3. I have a cat named Watson.  Named after both Watson and Crick and Sherlock Holmes' trusty sidekick.
  4. I write for a website  where I am able to tie my two passions, fitness/health and science, together.
  5. I am a vegetarian.  I haven't had red meat in over 9 years, and I haven't had chicken in over 3 years.
  6. One of my favorite books is Catcher in the Rye.  I left my only copy in our rental car when my boyfriend and I were traveling the coast of California.  I hope someone else is now enjoying it.
  7. While most women collect designer heels and flats, I collect running shoes and Vans.
  8. My boyfriend has become my best friend, my biggest fan and supporter, and best friends with my cat --I could not ask for more.
  9. I am from a small town, and I hope my parents never move.  I love knowing I can always go there to retreat from a somewhat hectic life.
  10. I have big dreams, both athletically and in my career.  I am motivated by these dreams, and I know that one day I will write a book of my journey. Stay tuned!
Thanks for the Challenge Missie. 

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