Wednesday was a Day Two Lift in the early morning:
1. Chin ups 3x5
2. Summo Deadlift 5x5
2. Knee to Knee stretch 2x30secs/ Hammy stretch 2x20secs/side
3. 1 legged squats 2x10/right leg 3x12 left leg
4. DB Reverse lunges 2x8/right leg 3x8/left leg
5. DB step ups 2x12/right leg 3x10/left leg
6. Farmer walks 3x 20 yards
7. 3way plank
In attempts to make up the missed workout Tuesday, I came home to run a set of hills (plus to and from).
Today I woke up sore and tired, but pushed myself through a quick 15 minute yoga session to stretch out my body. After work I pushed through 6 (rather easy) miles.
The Rookie Mistake:
I am not one to wear a lot of make-up...ever. But I made the rookie mistake of not washing my face to remove the mascara and lotion I had applied before work. I ran home and quickly headed out for a run before a storm set in. The humidity, my sweat, and a simple mistake led to my eyes feeling like they were on fire. No matter how much I wiped my face with my shirt as I was running, the make-up filled sweat was running into my eyes making it hard to see during most of my run.
I know, as women, we try to look good doing everything we do. And that often includes wearing make-up during workouts. Well don't do it. Especially not during a run. It clogs your pores, drips into your eyes and mouth (things you should not be ingesting), and no one looks good with dark mascara running down their face. Ditch the make-up and run natural. Thank me later.
-On your left