Tuesday, August 19, 2014

2 Months Until Marathon Day| Track Workout

"It pains me to continue, but it hurts much worse to stop."
15 min warm-up
Falling progressive sprints (60yds x6)
Progressive sprints (100yds x 4)
Progressive sprints (200yds x 4)
400 yds x 3 at Mile Race Pace
I running quote that many of us truly live by.  Our personal motivation to reach our goals and to become the best 'us' we can be, is what pushes us through the pain of training.  There are two months remaining until my next race.  The emotions have begun to fully set in and my competitive nature and passion has officially taken over.

I had a tough workout written out for me today.  I wrote it down, and I did not stop until it was complete. Although tempted (because no one was watching) I did not cut any corners around the track.  I did not stop short of the line. I ran through every finish gasping for air.  Pushing myself through those pain moments.

After completing a proper cool down and stretch. I had no other choice but to lay on my hardwood floor with my feet up for a while.  It is all about rest and recovery.

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