Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 1: Phase 4| Time Management

My day began at 5 am when I grabbed my bags and headed to the gym before work. Below is my Day 1 of Phase 4 lifting plan:

Warm up
1. Wall Slides x12
2. T-spins x6/side
3. Warrior lunges x8/side
4. Supermans x10
5. Bulgarian Split Squat x8/side
6. Standing leg swings x8/side
8. Squat to stand x10

Day 1
1. Pullups 4x3-6reps
1. Wallslides 2x10/ Wrist flexor stretch 2x10
2. Feet Elevated Pushups 3x8-12 reps(elbows in)
3. 1-arm cable row 2x12/side
3. 1-arm cable press 2x12/side
4. Facepulls 2x10/side
5. Pallof Press 2x12/side
6. Cable Woodchops(Full Extension Twist) 2x10/side
7. DB Deltoid raises 2x10/side

I follow my morning workouts with 15 minutes of stretching that mentally prepares me for a long day at work.

Part Two of my workout came at around 4:30 after I got home from work.  I completed just over a 5 mile loop through the hills of Mt. Lebanon at my marathon goal pace.

I finished my day off with another stretching session and a good meal of vegetables, egg noodles, and a veggie burger.

As a former college athlete, I have learned so much about time management.  I know that it is vital when sticking to a workout plan while juggling ever other aspect of your life-- full-time job, a part time staff writer, a girl friend, and a pet owner.  I stay on track by planning ahead, adjusting my time, and luckily having a boss that allows me to be flexible with my schedule.

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