Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 2|Phase 4- Weight Training

As mentioned previously, my Phase 4 of training includes 2 Days of weight training.  Here is how my 5:30am workout went:

Warm up
1. Wall Slides x12
2. T-spins x6/side
3. Warrior lunges x8/side
4. Supermans x10
5. Bulgarian Split Squat x8/side
6. Standing leg swings x8/side
8. Squat to stand x10

Day 2
1. Chin ups 3x5
2. Summo Deadlift 5x5
2. Knee to Knee stretch 2x30secs/ Hammy stretch 2x20secs/side
3. 1 legged squats 2x10/right leg 3x12/left leg
4. DB Reverse lunges 2x8/right leg 3x8/left leg
5. DB step ups 2x12/right leg 3x10/left leg
6. Farmer walks 3x 20 yards
7. 3-way plank
Planks:  Runners, do not neglect your core. Doing exercises such as planks help with injury prevention, posture, agility, and balance.  These are all key components when training efficiently and safely for distance running.
If you noticed, all of the leg exercises include an additional set for my left leg.  I have been noticing muscle deficiencies during and after long runs on my left side.  Years ago I tore my ACL in my left knee, and ever since I have noticed I am susceptible to muscle imbalances.  In order to counterbalance this, I add extra sets in attempts to equal out my strengths.  A body out of balance runs a high risk for injury.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”- Albert Einstein

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