Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How I got started running

Fitness has always been a huge part of my life because of how active I was with sports.  I knew that the fitter I was, the easier it would be to play a 90 minute soccer game.  I knew that with the correct preparation I would not tire out when the other players would fatigue.  So I knew that cardio fitness was important, but I never thought about it as a sport within its self.

After having sacrificed my body during 4 years of Division 1 Women's soccer and four surgeries later, I knew my soccer career would turn into pick up games and intramural leagues.  Nonetheless, my body was tired and needed that retirement.

I attend Georgetown University in Washington, DC for my Graduate degree, and there I met so many interesting people.  My program was hard and bonding with my classmates was inevitable due to the amount of time we were spending together in class and in the library.  An already avid runner asked me if I would like to run a half marathon with her.  Since I am so competitive with myself I could not turn down the challenge.  After little preparation I completed the 13.1 miles and immediately fell in love with the sport.  I did not finish with a great time, but I crossed that finish line knowing I could do more.

About a year later I completed my first marathon.  I trained for about four months, but still being new to the sport I knew I had so much to learn.  I finished just under my goal time.  Just shortly after thinking I may not finish the race, I had signed up for my second marathon.  I was up for the challenge.

I am now on my journey to my second marathon in Columbus on October 19th, 2014.

Through this whole process I realized how much running had already changed my life.  Not only was I noticing changes in my physical appearance, I now was filling that void that was lost when competitive soccer left my life.  I was working towards something.  I was setting goals, and I was surpassing them. I was realizing my body had new limits and that I have so much room to grow.  I work a full time job and write for a sports media company on the side. Running is my time alone, my mental release, my physical challenge-it is keeps my going.

Just remember: it doesn't matter if you are the one passing people or people are passing you- at least you are out there running.

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